3 May 2024

We continued our learning at beach school with the story 'Once Upon a Tide' by Tony Mitton.  In the story the two characters meet a whale.  After the story we looked at a non fiction book about whales.  We found out some whale facts.  We learnt that some whales have barnacles stuck to them, the heart of a blue whale is as big as a small car and that some whales can make a sound louder that a rocket taking off!  We then all drew a whale and the Reception children wrote some whale facts. 
After that we made some maps in the sand showing the journey of the characters in the story.  The tide was quite high today so some of us decided that we would dig a trench to see if we could stop the waves coming any further.  We sat and watched the sea for a while but the waves didn't come up as far as our trench.
We then used the scoops and balls in PE to practise our throwing and catching.  It was really fun and we needed to make sure that we watched the ball all the time.
Further along the beach we noticed some coastguard and we wondered what they were doing.  When we asked them they told us that someone had reported a dead porpoise.  They then said that all dolphins and porpoises belong to the King and when they get washed up on the shore they have to be measured and the information recorded.  They let one of Starfish try on their hat and hold their radio!
After that we looked at some plastic whales and dolphins and made representations of them in the sand.
In the afternoon we went back to the beach for our RE special story.  This week we heard a Christian story all about Joseph.  Christians believe that this story shows them about compassion and forgiveness.